BEX: Chained Into My Brain

The star of BEX’s recent debut EP, SCUM, is  ‘Chained Into My Brain’. An exhilarating, bass-heavy single that grabs you with its energetic pacing and frantic lyrical melodies. The lyrics of this song can be felt by many as she sings about losing yourself and feeling trapped in your own mind because of people in your life who don’t have your best interests at heart. Continue reading BEX: Chained Into My Brain

Killdren: The Illuminaughty – Album Review

Killdren are the wildcard duo setting the bar for genre-defining music. Their brand continues to push two genres that go brazenly well together: punk and rave. And their new album, The Illuminaughty, not only reinforces that but elevates it to new levels. Efa Supertramp fronts the band with unapologetic activism and humor, whilst DJ Nick Ronin dishes out the bold sounds to rave to. Continue reading Killdren: The Illuminaughty – Album Review