Charley Stone: Merry Christmas Actually – video of the day

Multi-talented artist and all-round good egg Charley Stone just dropped a suitably 2020 DIY video for her festive single, ‘Merry Christmas Actually’.

Featured as our track of day earlier in the month, the song is a brilliant indiepop riposte to problematic festive film ‘Love Actually’. Stone’s crowdsourced video features her friends offering their ideas for Keira Knightley’s character to respond to him off of The Walking Dead turning up on her honeymoon doorstep to hold up signs professing his unsolicited love for her. Contributors playing the role of Knightley include Stone’s bandmates Jo Bevan of Desperate Journalist and Marjne van der Vlugt of Salad. My personal favourites are ‘Bugger off, Egg, find your own wife’ and ‘Have you got my Waitrose order?’.

What would your response have been?