Tuffragettes: 10 question interview

Thrilled to be hosting the mighty Tuffragettes this Saturday at London’s Hope & Anchor – along with Olivia Awbrey, The Plan and The Other Ones! We got to know Frankie Tuffragette a bit better with our 10 question interview …

1.Who would you most like to cover one of your songs?
I’d love Rickie Lee Jones to do a cool acoustic rework of ‘Double’

2. If you could add one member to your band – any person, living or dead, musical or otherwise – who would it be, and what would they play?
I would love love the bassist who played on Paul Simon’s ‘Graceland’ LP

3. What was the last song you wrote, where were you when you came up with the idea, what inspired it, and how did it turn out?
The last song I wrote was for a Frankie Tuffragettes LP coming out on April 20th. It was the title track for the record called “Hi” – i wanted to write a really soaring, honest and vulnerable introduction to my record so I could really connect with who’s listening and introduce what I think is my best ever collection of songs. I was in my bedroom and it turned out beautifully!

4. Which was your favourite gig you’ve a) played and b) watched?
My favourite gig I’ve played was at a night we put on at the end of 2018 called Nightmare Before Cis-mas. All my friends were there, and the rest of the audience was so down-to-earth? We really lifted each other up and I left feeling so calm. My favourite gig I watched may have been Pixies at Field Day 2011. Their energy is unparalleled.

5. Recommend a record that you think our readers might not have heard of.
I would absolutely recommend ‘Teaser & The Firecat” by Cat Stevens. It’s breathtakingly perfect.

6. What’s your best piece of advice for young musicians?
Don’t worry, be happy! Literally learn to not give a fuck about anything except your love of making music and the joy of being on-stage.

7. Your top 3 most beloved albums ever – go.

“In The Airoplane Over The Sea” by Neutral Milk Hotel

“The Queen Is Dead” by The Smiths

“Cupid Deluxe” by Blood Orange OR Weezer’s “Blue” album OR The Drums self-titled album (that last one coulda been sooooo many though)

8. What are your musical goals?
To be a remembered part of the queer punk canon

9. What’s the most important thing we need to know about your band right now?
We want revolution dyke style now!!!!!

10. Give your top 5 contemporary bands/musicians.
Xoey 5.0 – The best songwriter on the London queer music circuit right now
Screaming Toenail – anti-colonial grungy militant queer punx from London
Suggested Friends – virtuoso queer pop rock babes from London
Tami T – ingenious queer trans grrrl altpop from Stockholm
Makthaverskan – perfect sad dreamy pop and post-punk from Gothenburg

Catch Tuffragettes live this Saturday 13 April at the Hope & Anchor!