I, Doris: Does Your Girlfriend Know You’re Here? Single of the Week

Yeah so this is LOUD WOMEN’s Cassie Fox here making her band Single of the Week on her own website, but this is DIY punk, sometimes things get a bit meta, buckle up …

I, Doris (that’s the band I’m in, Hi!) released today a frankly (if I say so myself, and I do) brilliant video to accompany new release ‘Does Your Girlfriend Know You’re Here?’ – imagineering the full story behind that ‘Distracted Boyfriend’ meme. Turns out that checking out another girl in the street was the very tip of that relationship iceberg: that rubbernecking boyfriend was sneaking around with a wide cast of other women and men too! And he had the cheek to gaslight her and tell her she’s imagining things … what a rotter.

The video takes DIY to the nth degree. I made it in Canva, using images grabbed from a free trial at an image library. It took far more time than I’ll admit to spending on it, but it cost precisely £0. I mean, it also looks very much like it cost £0. But it made you look and that’ll do, I reckon! (Spotify users might also notice there’s a Canvas video on there too – I made that in Canva too. I blimmin love Canva.)

I, Doris are a mummycore/kitchenpunk band/collective, and the members who recorded this song were Lucy Morgan on vocals and keytar, me on vocals and bass, Ciaran McNamee on guitar, and Louisa Edwards-Knight on drums. We recorded at OneCat studios with Jonathan Clayton, and he mixed and mastered it too.

‘Does Your Girlfriend Know You’re Here?’ is a song that’s been around for a while. I, Doris have been playing it live since our incarnation in 2017. With I, Doris I finally got to record this song as it was meant to be – a conversation between friends, and a cautionary tale!

The song is loosely based on a real story. Come to the LOUD WOMEN Christmas Party this Saturday and I’ll tell you an even looser version!